Detailed Conference Program


8:00-8:05           Welcome Address

                                 Archan Misra


8:05-9:30           Session: Multicasting and Ad-Hoc Networking for Broadband Networks

·       Real-Time Traffic Support in Large-Scale Mobile Ad hoc Networks

                                    Yuan Sun, Elizabeth M. Belding-Royer, Xia Gao, and James Kempf (UCSB, Docomo Labs)


·      Deployment Complexity Versus Performance Efficiency in Mobile Multicast (invited paper)

      A. Garyfalos, K. C. Almeroth, K. Sanzgiri (British Telecom, UCSB)


·      Scalable Position-Based Multicast  for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (invited paper)

      Matthias Transier, Holger Fußler, Jorg Widmer, Martin Mauve, and Wolfgang Effelsberg (Univ. of Mannheim, EPFL, University of Dusseldorf) 



9:30-10:00         Coffee break


10:00-11:30       Wireless Multimedia Applications and Middleware

·       Improving Last-Hop Multicast Streaming Video over 802.11 (invited paper)

                                    Igor Kozintsev, Jeff Mc. Veigh (Intel Research)


·       Peer-to-peer SIP-Based Services over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks  (invited paper)

Nilanjan Banerjee, Arup Acharya, Sajal K. Das (UT Arlington, IBM Research) 


·      Animated Space Architecture for Multimedia Experience – AskME

                                   Niranjan, Rakesh Kothari, Aura Ganz (UMASS, Amherst)


11:30-13:00        Lunch Break


13:00-14:15        MAC

·       Competitively Optimal Space-Division Broadband Multiple Access for Multi-Antenna ''ad-hoc'' 4G WLAN

                                    Enzo Baccarelli, Mauro Biagi, Cristian Pelizzoni (Univ. of Rome, “La Sapienza”).


·       MAC Protocols for Multimedia Support in UWB-based Wireless Networks

                                    Yuechun Chu, Aura Ganz (UMASS, Amherst)


·       Differentiation mechanisms for heterogeneous traffic integration in IEEE 802.11 networks

                                    Luca Scalia, Ilenia Tinnirello (Univ. of Palermo)




14:15-15:00        Panel:  Are Multimedia and Wireless Standards Ready for Each Other?


·       Frank Bossen, VP, DoCoMo  USA Labs.

·       David Singer, Apple Computer, Inc.

·       Alex Liu, Atheros Communications


15:00-15:30        Coffee Break


15.30-17.00         Streaming in Access Networks

·       The Power-Aware Streaming Proxy Architecture (invited paper)

M. Rosu, C. Olsen, L. Luo, C. Narayanaswami (IBM Research, CMU)


·       Dynamic Adaptation Policies to Improve Quality of Service of Multimedia Applications in WLAN Networks

                                    Naomi Ramos, Debashis Panigrahi, Sujit Dey (UCSD)


·       Experiences with multimedia streaming over 2.5G and 3G Networks (invited paper)

      Julian Chesterfield, Rajiv Chakravorty, Jon Crowcroft, Pablo Rodriguez, Suman Banerjee (Cambridge University, Microsoft Research and Univ. of Wisconsin


17:00-17:10          Concluding Remarks